Finalist at the E-Health Trophies
Month: October 2015
Six telemedicine project finalists at the E-Health Trophies

A total of six projects on telemedicine are finalists for the E-Health Trophies in Castres, France, on July 1st.
The 2015 edition of the E-Health Trophies is being held in the Summer University of E-Health, in Castres, from the 1st to the 3rd of July.
Twenty-seven finalists have been selected for an audition in front of a jury on July 1st. that will be broadcasted to
Those finalists are ranked into five categories: m-santé, telemedicine, social networks of both patients and health actors, autonomy and home support, a student project.
- My Diabby by Be 4life
- Voice Patch by Voice
- Medinbox by Medinbox
- Ksyos Telemedical Center by Ksyos Telemedical Center
- Chronic Stress by Codesna
My Diabby is the first platform in French telemedicine that is fully dedicated to monitoring and managing gestational diabetes. On three-thousand cases of gestational diabetes (GD) followed over several years, the results are similar to a pregnancy without GD, with 90% satisfaction according to results published in the European Research in Telemedicine.
Voice Patch allows a continuous monitoring of the patient and his operated joint based on precise and objective assessments of joint movements. “Voice Patch is an electronic platform that uses inertial and magnetic sensors capable of apprehending three-dimensional movements of the body segments being monitored. It is a device that attaches directly and painlessly to the skin with which it is biocompatible, like a bandage would.”
Medinbox is an innovative and tailor-made OR integrated AV system, created with the help of medical doctors, to support medical progress by allowing the recording and broadcasting of medical interventions, such as surgeries.
EEG CAP is an EEG headset that uses dry electrodes, allowing it to easily perform remote EEGs. A clinical trial to evaluate the efficiency and safety of the device took place last year in Ghent, Belgium, with a single-blind design and a crossover study design.
Ksyos develops, researches and implements telemedicine services that help along teledermatology or telecardiology, to name a few.
Chronic Stress detects and prevents chronic stress that can otherwise lead to burnout and genuine individual discomfort. This device “only works from measuring Heart Rate Variability (HRV) using innovative copyrighted algorithms, that measure a precise activity of the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS), which is the physiological translator of real stress for a human. This is a project incubated at the PACA-EST incubator.
-Translated article from