Dr Helmut Pürerfellner
Because of the pandemic, contacts have been limited for future doctor’s trainings. In Austria, at the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen, medical education has been maintained live from the operating rooms.
The first digital transmission system has been permanently installed in Austria, meaning that heart experts from all over the would can now join in on the procedures as if they were physically attending.

Being able to attend an operating procedure is the basement of a solid education and training in the medical field. Procedures that take place at the cardiac catheter laboratory are now available all over the world on a digital platform, allowing experts to watch and work in real time.
"This is the future which we started right now, I think this is the kind of technique which we will need in the next years, not only in times of a pandemic."
In the heart rhythm laboratory are cameras and monitors that can be remotely controlled. All the data gathered can be manipulated individually; and thanks to a control room you can access the information worldwide, simply using the internet.
"There are different scenarios, for example I can be consulting, watching a procedure and giving tips to a foreign colleague, or they can be watching us, seeing how we do a procedure, maybe for the first time, and helping us because they are virtually with us.
There is also a zoom feature that allows to take a closer look, exactly at the right moment with the camera."
With a perfect transmission of every single detail, the Medinbox system gives doctors a real viewing and an insight as if they were standing in the operating room themselves – with a strict compliance of data protection.
"This works in real time, without noticeable latency. It is unbelievable the quality in which it is transmitted! How sharp the signals are which are normally just screens being taped, and this would not look so good. But now we have very clear and sharp images."
The experienced professionals can thus train their younger colleagues, and in this case, in interventional treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, allowing attendees to follow and participate interactively in the procedures. There are also significant advantages for the patients.
"The patients benefit from being in a center where the medical staff is up to date. Because such a system makes our rhythmology center a reference in Austria, to promote and make new developments."
Networking with other centers who possess digital platforms has become a prerequisite and can significantly enrich the exchange of knowledge in the medical field.
Information Technology Technician (Taken)
Position in the organizational chart:
Under the responsibility of both Support and Production Managers.
Main mission:
You will ensure support for our customers and manage the preparation of the systems (Hardware & Software).
- To handle our system's park, assist our customers/users and conduct maintenance operations of level 1 and 2.
- To give feedback to the development teams.
- Preparation of ordered systems.
- Control of the equipment.
- Equipment configuration.
- System's installations at client's locations (business trips).
Internal and External Relationships
- Handle customer relationship
- Create a diagram of audiovisual cabling
- Apply installation and maintenance techniques of the equipment
- Conduct assistance interviews over the phone
- Diagnose and solve computer-related issues
- Computer science
- Technical environment of an information system
- Electronic systems
- Microsoft/Mac systems
- Audio-visual sector
- Fluent in English
- TeamViewer
- Two-year-minimum experience as an IT technician.
- diploma in computer science (Bac+2)
Soft skills:
- Autonomy
- Reactivity
- Versatility
- Rigor
- A good organisation
- Relational qualities
- Stress management
- An analytical mind
Case Study - Montreal & Atlanta
Month: October 2021
The McGill Hospital in Montreal and the Emory University Hospital in Atlanta needed a stress-free device for their broadcasts and a support team on location.
Client: Stéphane Rinfret, McGill Hospital (Montreal) and Emory University Hospital (Atlanta)
Need/Issue: To install in the CUSM a stress-free device for MLCTO lives and to have a support team on location.
Medinbox has installed 2 Medinbox Systems in Montreal, One Hub USA for MLCTO with a tailored 3D studio and provided audiovisual production services for EPIC-SEC.
Case Study - St. Louis (MO)
The Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, was in need of an OR-integrated AV-system and Medinbox met with their demand.
Client: Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, MO
Need/Issue: Barnes-Jewish Hospital needed an integrated AV solution to organize onsite and online medical workshops as well as broadcasting live HD images from their cathlabs via the internet to the ARCH Symposium (annual international conference organized by the cardiology department).
After studying the context and the cathlabs on location, Medinbox was able to provide the most appropriate response.
Jasvindar Singh MD, Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, Missouri